Payment Instructions
Once you have confirmed your stay with us via email ( you are welcome to complete the deposit of either half or the complete price of your stay. Maestra Estela accepts bank-to-bank transfers. Please be sure to complete the rest of your payment through bank-to-bank transfer at least 2 week before your arriving in the center.
All money transferred goes directly to Maestra Estela and her family and does not go through a third party
Bank to Bank
Depending on your bank you may or may not need all the information provided below
Name of bank: Interbank
Country: Peru
CCI: 00389801336916354042
Name of recipient: Estela Pangoza Sinacay
Address: Carretera Iquitos Nauta km 22
DNI (national personal identifier in Peru): 06816629
Recipient phone number: +51 919 178 206